Best practice

Do’s and don’ts of RFP responses

Writing a response to an RFP (request for proposal) can be pretty stressful. Short deadlines, the pressure to win, and managing inputs from various directions can detract from the main point – to produce a clear document that explains exactly why you should be awarded the work.

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The editing puzzle

Even the best writers need editors. Yet the word ‘editing’ alone doesn’t do justice to the process needed for the creation and dissemination of impactful content marketing.

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Always have style

For any organisation that produces content, establishing a style guide is a must. Onerous and time consuming perhaps, but without one you risk weakening your brand and confusing would-be clients.

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Goodbye jargon, so long waffle

The devil is in the detail. It’s perhaps unsurprising then that terms like ‘detail orientated’ or ‘we focus on the details’ are used across financial services. But surely this should be a given?

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